Hover over a bubble to see details with links to studies. Click on a link in the axes to see an explanation of the Intervention / Outcome. Select an area of the chart to zoom in. Toggle study categories on and off using the legend at the bottom of the chart. Export the chart using the menu button at the top right of the chart.
Newborn - 0-4 weeks of age
Infant - 5 weeks - 12 months (i.e. up to 12 months of age)
Toddler - 1–3 years (over 12 months and upto 3 years)
Preschooler - 3-6 years (over 3 years and upto 6 years)
Income supplementation
This category includes studies of interventions which aim to improve children's learning through direct injections of funds into the home environment.
This category includes studies in which the focal point of the intervention is the parent, or wider family group.
This category includes all studies in which the intervention involved the provision of support for learning directly to the child.
This category includes studies of interventions that combine multiple services or supports, including across health and education.
This category includes any studies of interventions which sought to improve the quality of an existing intervention.
This small group of studies compared the effects of interventions in one or more categories.